Dedicated IP Law Firm in Nepal

Trademark Enforcement in Nepal

Trademark Enforcement in Nepal

Trademark Enforcement in Nepal Trademark Enforcement in Nepal is required for brand owners to protect their intellectual property rights and maintain their market position. In Nepal, trademark enforcement involves a combination of legal, administrative, and practical measures. Understanding the available options and procedures is essential for both rights holders and potential defendants in trademark disputes. […]

Technology Transfer in Nepal

Technology Transfer in Nepal

Technology transfer in Nepal can play an important role to economic development and modernization efforts. The legal and regulatory framework governing technology transfer aims to facilitate the inflow of valuable technologies while protecting national interests. Understanding the key aspects of technology transfer regulation is essential for both foreign technology providers and Nepali recipients. Legal Framework […]

Copyright Infringement in Nepal

Copyright Infringement in Nepal

Copyright infringement is a serious issue in Nepal, as it is in many countries around the world. Understanding the legal framework surrounding copyright infringement is crucial for both rights holders seeking to protect their works and users of copyrighted material. This article explores various aspects of copyright infringement under Nepali law. What Constitutes Copyright Infringement […]

Copyright Law in Nepal

Copyright Law in Nepal

Copyright law in Nepal aims to protect the rights of creators and encourage the production of literary, artistic, and scientific works. Understanding the key aspects of Nepali copyright law is crucial for creators, publishers, and users of copyrighted material in the country. Works Protected by Copyright Copyright protection in Nepal extends to a wide range […]

Patent Registration in Nepal

Patent Registration in Nepal

Patent Registration in Nepal Patent protection plays a crucial role in fostering innovation and technological development. In Nepal, the patent registration system aims to provide inventors with exclusive rights to their inventions while promoting the disclosure of new technologies. Understanding the key aspects of patent registration in Nepal is essential for inventors, businesses, and legal […]

Industrial Design Registration in Nepal

Industrial Design Registration in Nepal

Industrial design Registration in Nepal can foster innovation, creativity and product development in Nepal. The registration process for industrial designs provides legal protection for the visual aspects of products, encouraging designers and companies to invest in aesthetic innovations. Registration Authority for Industrial Designs Industrial designs in Nepal are registered with the Department of Industry (DOI), […]

Intellectual Property (IP) Investigation in Nepal

Intellectual Property (IP) Investigation in Nepal

Intellectual property (IP) investigations play a crucial role in enforcing IP rights and combating infringement in Nepal. As the country’s IP landscape evolves, understanding the investigation process is essential for rights holders, law enforcement agencies, and legal professionals. Who Conducts Intellectual Property (IP) Investigations in Nepal? Several entities are involved in conducting IP investigations in […]

Trademark Infringement in Nepal

Trademark Infringement in Nepal

Trademark infringement in Nepal is a serious violation of intellectual property rights under Patent, Design and Trademark Act, 1965. It occurs when a party uses a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to a registered mark without authorization from the owner. Understanding the key aspects of trademark infringement is crucial for both rights holders […]

Intellectual Property Law in Nepal

Intellectual Property Law in Nepal

Intellectual property Law in Nepal aim to protect the rights of creators and innovators. The primary legislation includes the Patent, Design, and Trademark Act, 1965, and the Copyright Act, 2002. Nepal is also a member of international treaties like the Paris Convention and the Berne Convention. Types of Intellectual Property Protected in Nepal Nepal provides […]