Dedicated IP Law Firm in Nepal

Company Trademark Registration in Nepal is an important step for companies looking to protect their brand identity in Nepal. The process for companies registering trademarks has some specific requirements and considerations that differ from individual applications. This article explores key aspects of company trademark registration in Nepal.

Eligibility for Company Trademark Registration in Nepal

Companies can indeed register trademarks in Nepal:

  1. Legal entity status: Both domestic and foreign companies are eligible to register trademarks.
  2. Types of companies: Private limited companies, public limited companies, and other corporate entities can apply.
  3. Foreign companies: Must appoint a local agent for registration and correspondence.
  4. Partnerships and LLPs: These entities can also register trademarks under their business names.
  5. State-owned enterprises: Government companies can register trademarks as well.

The trademark system in Nepal does not discriminate between types of legal entities, allowing all legitimate businesses to protect their marks.

Required Documents for Company Applications

Company trademark applications in Nepal require specific documentation:

  1. Application form: The standard TM-1 form, completed with company details.
  2. Power of Attorney: Signed by an authorized company representative.
  3. Company registration certificate: Copy of the certificate of incorporation.
  4. Board resolution: Authorizing the trademark application and appointing a signatory.
  5. Trademark specimen: 8-10 copies of the mark.
  6. List of goods/services: Specific description of items covered by the mark.
  7. Priority documents: If claiming priority from a foreign filing.
  8. Translations: All non-Nepali documents must be accompanied by Nepali translations.

These documents help establish the company’s legal status and authority to register the trademark.

Authorized Signatories for Company Applications

Trademark applications for companies must be signed by authorized individuals:

  1. Director or executive: Typically a company director or high-level executive.
  2. Company secretary: In some cases, the company secretary may be authorized.
  3. Authorized representative: An employee specifically authorized by board resolution.
  4. Power of Attorney holder: The local agent appointed through a Power of Attorney.
  5. Verification: The Department of Industry may verify the signatory’s authority.

The signatory should have clear authority to act on behalf of the company in intellectual property matters.

Requirement for Company Registration Certificates

Company registration certificates are typically required for trademark applications:

  1. Proof of legal existence: Demonstrates that the company is a valid legal entity.
  2. Domestic companies: Certificate issued by the Office of the Company Registrar of Nepal.
  3. Foreign companies: Certificate of incorporation from the home country.
  4. Certification: Copies should be certified by the issuing authority.
  5. Age of certificate: Recent certificates (usually not older than 6 months) are preferred.

These certificates help verify the company’s legal status and capacity to own trademarks.

Multiple Marks in One Application

Nepal does not allow multiple marks to be filed in a single application:

  1. Separate applications: Each distinct mark requires a separate application.
  2. Series marks: Even slight variations of a mark need individual applications.
  3. Different classes: Marks for goods/services in different classes need separate filings.
  4. Efficiency: While this increases initial paperwork, it allows for independent prosecution of each mark.
  5. Fee structure: Separate fees are required for each application.

This system ensures clear and independent examination for Company Trademark Registration in Nepal.

Read More: 1. Intellectual Property (IP) Investigation in Nepal 2. Industrial Design Registration in Nepal 3. Copyright Act, 2002

Protection of Company Names as Trademarks

Company names are not automatically protected as trademarks in Nepal and so Company Trademark Registration in Nepal is important.

  1. Separate registration needed: A company must specifically register its name as a trademark for protection.
  2. Distinctiveness requirement: The company name must meet trademark distinctiveness criteria.
  3. Limited protection: Company registration alone only prevents other companies from registering the exact same name.
  4. Trademark scope: Trademark registration provides broader protection against similar marks in relevant classes.
  5. Use in commerce: The company name should be used as a trademark to qualify for registration.

Companies should consider trademark registration of their names to ensure comprehensive brand protection.

Subsidiary Company Trademark Filings

Subsidiaries filing trademark applications based on parent company registrations:

  1. Separate legal entities: Subsidiaries are treated as distinct entities for trademark purposes.
  2. Independent applications: Must file their own applications, even if using the parent company’s marks.
  3. Consent letter: May need a consent letter from the parent company to use the mark.
  4. License recordal: Use of the parent company’s mark may require recording a license agreement.
  5. Group company policy: Internal policies should govern trademark ownership within corporate groups.

Careful consideration of corporate structure and brand strategy is important when deciding how to file trademarks within a company group before Company Trademark Registration in Nepal.

Recording Trademark Licenses for Company Marks

Trademark licenses for company marks can and should be recorded:

  1. Recordal process: Licenses can be recorded with the Department of Industry.
  2. Documentation: Requires submission of the license agreement and recordal application.
  3. Benefits: Recordal provides public notice and strengthens the licensee’s legal position.
  4. Quality control: Recorded licenses should include provisions for quality control by the licensor.
  5. Renewal: License recordals may need to be renewed along with the trademark registration.

Recording licenses helps maintain clear ownership and usage rights, particularly important in company contexts where brand use may be complex for Company Trademark Registration in Nepal.

Recording Changes in Company Ownership

Changes in company ownership affecting trademarks must be recorded:

  1. Assignment recordal: Full transfer of ownership requires recording an assignment.
  2. Merger documentation: In case of company mergers, merger documents must be submitted.
  3. Name change: Company name changes should be recorded to update the trademark register.
  4. Timeline: Changes should be recorded promptly to maintain accurate ownership records.
  5. Effect on rights: Failure to record changes can affect the ability to enforce trademark rights.

Keeping trademark ownership records up-to-date is crucial for maintaining and enforcing rights, especially during corporate restructurings.

Assignment of Company Marks to Individuals

Company Trademark Registration in Nepal is usually assigned to Individuals:

  1. Legal possibility: Nepal’s trademark law allows for assignment to natural persons.
  2. Documentation: Requires a formal assignment agreement and recordal application.
  3. Rationale: May be required to provide reasons for the assignment in some cases.
  4. Tax implications: Such transfers may have tax consequences that should be considered.
  5. Continued use: Arrangements for the company’s continued use of the mark should be clear.

While possible, assigning company marks to individuals should be carefully considered due to potential business and legal implications.

Use Requirements for Company Marks

Company trademarks in Nepal are subject to use requirements:

  1. Vulnerability period: Non-use for 5 consecutive years can make the mark vulnerable to cancellation.
  2. Genuine use: Use should be genuine commercial use in Nepal, not token use.
  3. Use by licensees: Use by authorized licensees counts towards fulfilling use requirements.
  4. Evidence of use: Companies should maintain evidence of use in case of challenges.
  5. Excusable non-use: Legitimate reasons for non-use (e.g., government regulations) may be considered.

Companies should implement strategies to ensure and document use of their registered marks to maintain protection.

Resolution of Disputes Between Companies Over Marks

Disputes between companies over trademarks in Nepal can be resolved through various mechanisms:

  1. Opposition proceedings: Companies can oppose pending applications of conflicting marks.
  2. Cancellation actions: Registered marks can be challenged through cancellation proceedings.
  3. Civil litigation: Infringement suits can be filed in civil courts.
  4. Mediation: The Intellectual Property Protection Center offers mediation services for IP disputes.
  5. Negotiation: Many disputes are resolved through direct negotiation between companies.

The choice of dispute resolution method often depends on the specific circumstances and the relationship between the companies involved.

In conclusion, while companies can register trademarks in Nepal, the process involves specific requirements and considerations. From documentation and signatory requirements to use obligations and dispute resolution, companies must navigate various legal and procedural aspects to effectively protect their brands. The system provides a framework for companies to secure their trademark rights, but it also demands ongoing attention to maintenance and proper use of registered marks.


Can companies register trademarks in Nepal?

Yes, companies can register trademarks in Nepal to protect their brands.

What documents do companies need for trademark registration in Nepal?

Companies need application form, trademark representation, power of attorney, and company registration certificate.

Can foreign companies register trademarks in Nepal?

Yes, foreign companies can register trademarks in Nepal through a local agent.

How long does company trademark registration take in Nepal?

Company trademark registration in Nepal typically takes 12-18 months if uncontested.

What is the fee for company trademark registration in Nepal?

Company trademark registration fees in Nepal typically range from NPR 1,000 to 5,000.